Duck Creek
Last week on Thursday in Kokatahi school the Kea Class went to Duck creek to see what type of invertebrates there are. We also went to see how clean the water was.
We caught the invertebrates in a kick net. This is how you use a kick net, you kick the rock in front of the net facing upstream so the invertebrates go in the kick net and some rocks.
The helpers were Miss Hinchliff , Jane , Katrina , Marein , Loren and Michelle. Loren helped me to use the kick net. My group caught invertebrates with the kick net like a dobsonfly, snails , worms and more. The dobsonfly does not fly over the creek like a real fly the dobsonfly is like an underwater centipede.
The kick net is black and white or gray. In the end we talked about what we caught then we let the invertebrates back in the creek. Duck creek comes from a small lake near Lake Kaniere.
Did everyone catch some invertebrates? I’m sure everyone had lots and lots of fun. You have to watch out for weeds and don’t forget to look in the grass by the creek you could find some invertebrates there.
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