Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I think Kokatahi - Kowhitirangi school needs the $10,000 for the school. 

I think we need the $10,000 so we can build a sound free classroom, butterfly garden, flower arch walkway heading to a gazebo. A prickle and cactus pathway. 

I think Kokatahi - Kowhitrangi deserves the $10,000 so we can build a new and awesome veggie garden.

We can build a sound free classroom so we can learn in a peaceful place with  no distractions.

We can also build a gazebo in a butterfly garden, so we can watch butterflies come out of their cocoons.

We need a cactus garden for decoration.

1 comment:

  1. how awesome you are such a good writer

    keep up the good work.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.